Wednesday, October 14, 2009


how weird.

just today, 2 guys gave me their number without me even asking or anything.

The 2nd one was some guy in WoW who wanted to go offline for awhile but wanted me to SMS him when something was about to start.

The 1st one was more interesting..

i went to Simlim today to get a new graphics card.. got the Gigabyte 4890 radeon. cost me 350 bucks!!! damn ex can. when i was pressing the buttons on the ATM i just close my eyes and press. too heart pain already.

anyway, the point is, i took a cab home from Simlim, and within 1 minute the cab was asking me if i was schooling, etc.. then he asked me to teach him basic computer! he said he was trying to learn some basic stuff and wanted me to teach him.
cos i lived very near him, and.. i guess he saw me with my CPU so he assumed i knew about computer. and he was like quite insistent about having lessons and said he can pay me, blabla.
Then when i alighted, he passed me his number to contact him if i was interested after ORD.

so weird can! my mind immediately went to those pervertic men who get young boys to perform oral sex or something for them that's always reported in the papers. then he still kept saying 'exchange numbers' but i managed to convince him to just leave me his number and if i was interested, i'll call him.


anyway,26 more days ^^